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This Dropbox Killer Cryptocurrency Is A Must Buy

Buy this sleeping giant cryptocurrency to get mega returns

If you are a cryptocurrency enthusiast, you must have come across at least a dozen coins. Among these coins, it is likely that almost 100% of them are involved in the transactions domain. Well, in reality, there are around a thousand cryptocurrencies related to transaction domain.

Are all of these going to succeed? No. Only a few will sustain the “rat race”.

So where to invest if you want to make a fortune or at least living from the cryptocurrency? The answer is – look for options which are more “physical” in nature. What are we going to buy via a virtual currency is instrumental for one analyzing cryptocurrency investments.

If any investment should consider just one factor it is – future. Yes, while most cryptocurrencies claim to make a revolution in the way online payment is made or funds are transferred fast, existing systems could manage to evolve and make payment cryptocurrency models as dwarfs.

How is a particular cryptocurrency helpful for one? Can one “buy” something he uses using a coin. Is this worthy for him or for the business community? Here comes a cryptocurrency which fulfills all the above all the criteria.


What is Sia?

According to their website, “Sia leverages the capacity of blockchain technology to enable distributed networks to reach consensus in a secure and trustless way. Cryptographically secured smart contracts ensure the encryption and transfer of data with no possibility for a third party to interfere in any way.”

In short, Sia is a Blockchain dropbox which is much cheaper than the latter.

How Sia works?

Sia rents the space in a user’s computer (desktop, laptop etc). To rent the space, a user has to download tools and software provided at Sia website. He can decide how much space the user is providing. Sia will “block” the space available, encrypt it with its technology, connect it to outside world via Blockchain and sell it to the user in need.

Imagine if this website gets 1000 visitors a day. The portal is renting servers good enough for 5000 visitors a day considering spikes coming at some of the days. If all of a sudden, there are truckloads of visitors, the site can rent the space from Sia in real time and satisfy the need. The person renting space to Sia gets paid by a cryptocurrency Siacoin.

With so many websites, and content coming up every single minute, it is instrumental that there is a need of huge servers. According to a statistic, the data center of Google consumes power enough to power a mid-sized country. And the usage is growing exponentially. The power consumption and real estate needed to keep servers will become so big that it can become unviable.

Sia decentralizes and solves this huge problem. It is most likely to make a killing from its current price of $0.0048 (0.00000124 BTC).

A portion of your portfolio can be kept for this promising technology.  I suspect the coin price to reach 0.5 (approx 100x return) in few months time.

Check out my article on another crypto on this website This India Related Cryptocurrency can give 100x or 1000x returns. The coin has gone 5x in one day after the article.

What do you think?

Written by Crypto Champ

I am a cryptocurrency enthusiast. I have a Telegram channel ( that you can join for Crypto related information and tips.


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This India Related Cryptocurrency Can Give 100x or 1000x returns

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