Vocabulary is vital everywhere- be it at work, in school or in college. If your vocabulary is bad, people won’t take you seriously. The corporate world is filled with influential people who have the grasp on their language thus come across as very sophisticated and well-read.

If you’re having trouble with your vocabulary, I would recommend these books:
- Word of Power made easy by Norman Lewis is one of the best vocabulary books out there. This book has been around since 1949 and with the help of this book you can assess your current level and work on your vocabulary from there on. You are taught how to use words, their tenses and after each chapter you are assigned a quiz to check whether you’ve understood what you learned.
- Build your vocabulary skills by John Lacarna is a best seller on Amazon that offers the best learning platform for high school students and adults who’d like to polish their skills. A mnemonic technique is used to help students learn and a powerful tool it is. Every word is used in a sentence in the correct tense and keys are given to questions along with explanations to help you understand where you went wrong.
- Oxford word Skills idioms & phrases is a genuine book used to strengthen ones vocabulary. This book is used worldwide, especially in the UK, India, Singapore and Malaysia because it offers readers or users the chance to brush up and work on their poor vocabulary. This book by Ruth Gairns & Stuart Redman is a best seller on Amazon and is also one of the most recommended books in schools.
- Vocabulary for Dummies by Rozakis is a basic book for starters that helps you converse In simple English. Basic conversation skills are taught with the correct usage of words and tenses so you won’t end up making a fool of yourself.
- How to build a better vocabulary by Maxwell Nurnberg and Morris Rosenblum is an enticing guide for beginners or foreigners who don’t have a tight grasp on the English language.
- Longman Language Activator by Longman is an old book that’s been around for ages and offer more than 850 words that are used on a daily basis in their correct forms. This book also offers synonyms, antonyms, words that sound similar or are spelled the same way but have dissimilar meanings and so forth. The latest version is a revised version of the older ones. This one has additional words and gives a better understanding of phrases and word context as well.
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